How do I install WIMP?
What is the default PIN number for WIMP?
How do I track the location of the phone?
What information do I receive back?
What are the limitations of the Trial version?
What does it mean when the reply message says "Cannot get GPS location after 3 minutes"?
The location of my phone does not appear to be very accurate?
Will WIMP work with my phone?
I did not receive a response back from WIMP?

How do I install WIMP?
Copy the to your device using ActiveSync. Use File Explorer to navigate to this location and run it by clicking the .cab file WIMP will then install to your device.
What is the default PIN number for WIMP?
The default PIN number is four zeros (0000). The PIN number is used to prevent unauthorised people tracking the device. We recommend that you change the PIN number after installation.
How do I track the location of the phone?
Simply send a SMS text message to the device on which WIMP is installed, containing the following:


Where 0000 is your PIN number.
What information do I receive back?
After achieving a successful GPS fix, WIMP will send back a message containing the following information:
  • Latitude (Degree/Minutes North)
  • Longitude (Degree/Minutes West)
  • Speed (mph & km/h)
  • The number of Satellites used to obtain this fix
  • A Google Maps hyperlink. Entering this into a web browser will display a satellite image of the location of the phone

What are the limitations of the Trial version?
The trial version is fully-functional for a 10-day period. After this time you will be required to purchase an Activiation Code to continue using the application.
What does it mean when the reply message says "Cannot get GPS location after 3 minutes"?
After 3 minutes WIMP was unable to obtain a GPS fix due to the device being outside of GPS coverage. If this happens often, try increasing the GPS Timeout setting
The location of my phone does not appear to be very accurate?
The more satellites WIMP can use to obtain a GPS fix, the more accurate it will be. Try increasing the Max Satellites setting. If the Max Satellites setting is set to 9, for example, WIMP will not send back a response until it has recieved a signal from 9 satellites, or the timeout period has expired (in which case it will send back the best GPS location it was able to achieve).
Will WIMP work with my phone?
WIMP will work with any Windows Mobile 5 or 6 device. However, we recommend that you download and try the trial version before purchasing as there may be compatibility issues with your configuration. We do not currently support other mobile phone operating systems (e.g. Nokia). Check back for future releases!
I did not receive a response back from WIMP?
Ensure your device is not in Flight Mode. Obviously if the phone radio is switched off, WIMP will be unable to recieve or send SMS messages.
Copyright © 2007 WIMP Software

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